I’ve commented on this in several other threads lately - why does Lucee 5 Express come with Tomcat 9 while Lucee 6 Express comes with Tomcat 8? That’s a big step backwards!
Also, it causes an error message during startup, which is caused by Tomcat 8 not being able to handle a certain kind of class, but Tomcat 9 can handle it fine. I reported that here on August 7:
I never got any answer, nobody ever replied. Maybe they will now!
Question: have you ever tried getting the ExpressVersion with Tomcat 9 und replacing the 5.4 lucee.jar inside the lib folder with the 6.1 standalone lucee.jar? I know it’s not what we want… but should serve as a workaround.
Hi @andreas , thanks for the link. I hadn’t seen that. Thanks also for the tip.
Anyway, I should say that I am astonished. The fact that Lucee Express uses Tomcat 8 is not only a bug. It is a blunder. I say this because the release is still available for download and is even recommended as “production-ready”.