Is there a straightforward, simple, clear, tested and proven way to install a bug-free version of Lucee anymore?

But I’m thinking you may not see a limit. The graph you show doesn’t indicate one. The metaspace log will show 3 values of there is a max set.

If instead there’s none, then the jvm is free to take memory from all available is memory. And the problem maybe that it’s running out (your os memory). You COULD set a max, but that’s not going to SOLVE the problem.

As you would rightly ask, the question would be what’s CAUSING the rise in metaspace. And that’s not answered where you’re looking, doing heap analysis.

Instead, look to FR’s tracking of class loading (another graph). Is that rising? If so, there are additional techniques to track WHAT those are…and that (or merely the info above clarifying that it may be a metaspace problem) may be what the lucee folks need to figure out what’s been hurting you.

I’m afraid I have to run now for a meeting so must leave it at this. I could say more, which you might value or you may feel is all just more server mumbo jumbo. I realize you just want the madness to stop. I hope the new clues you and I have shared may aid others in helping you.