QoQ not inheriting sort order of source query

In earlier versions of Lucee, a query of queries inherited the sort order of the source query. This no longer appears to be the case. The workaround is to add a sort to the QoQ. However, there are many instances where I have assumed that the QoQ would inherit the sort order of the source query, and I would prefer the previous sorting inheritance behaviour and hot have to find all QoQ and edit them.

SQL Server 2019
Windows Server 2019
Java 11.0.24+8
Tomcat 9.0.91

Your question has been answered in a previous thread. Apparently, in versions of Lucee earlier than 6, sort-order was not intentionally inherited by query of queries. It happened just by accident. See Lucee 6 - Query of Queries Loses Order From Source Query

Thank you BK for that older reference. I looked at some of my QoQ, and all but one already had an ORDER BY clause. I now know to not assume the sort order is inherited and to explicitly add it.