Migration from Railo to Lucee: mod_cfml request authentication failed!

Hi Emanuele,

The error comes from the “Shared secret key” that is probably misconfigured.
In 2 places, there should be the same setting:

  1. Lucee / Tomcat: open {lucee-root}\conf\server.xml (or {lucee-root}\tomcat\conf\server.xml), and scroll down to the section with <Valve className=“mod_cfml.core” …>
    Inside that tag, there should be an attribute sharedKey=“[some key]”
    If it isn’t there, add it, and change [some key] to … some secret key.

  2. Boncode settings file, see BonCode Apache Tomcat AJP 1.3 Connector http://boncode.net/connector/webdocs/Tomcat_Connector.htm#_Ref314123537
    Make sure the same [some key] is set in “ModCFMLSecret”
    You will also need to set EnableHeaderDataSupport=True

Note: make sure you are using the latest and greatest mod_cfml.JAR (Tomcat valve), downloaded from here: http://www.modcfml.org/index.cfm/downloads/ http://www.modcfml.org/index.cfm/downloads/

And don’t forget to restart the lot :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Paul Klinkenberg

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