People definitely need a documented, easy to understand upgrade path. It’s my understanding that Lucee 6.x will only migration configuration from XML to JSON if no JSON file exists (I could be wrong, happy to be corrected). However, if I publish a build as-is, there will already be a JSON config inside the image (due to prewarm), so this may catch people out and the might not understand that they would have to delete the JSON file to get their old XML file to work/be migrated.
It seems like it could already be catching people out in non-Docker scenarios as well, I’m not sure if this is related?
So I’m just saying it’s something that needs to be tested and perhaps documented/worked around before we publish a “Release” release version
Definitely, but I also need to understand which Java versions are supported (particularly LTS versions) for running Lucee. AFAIK Neither Java 17 LTS nor Java 21 LTS are working yet, so that leaves us with Java 11 I suppose. There’s some context in this old thread: