Where to find release notes/change logs for Lucee Association Extensions?

Apologies for asking what feels like a stupid question, but I’ve looked and looked with no success.
For official Lucee Assocation extensions listed in the Lucee Admin (like included Microsoft SQL Server (Vendor Microsoft))
I am on an older version (7.2.2.jre8), i see the new versions available in Lucee Admin (latest 9.4.1.jre16), but for the life of me I can’t find where are the release notes or change log to evaluate what has changed, are there known issues, etc., so i can evaluate if I want to upgrade or not.

Much appreciate some pointing me in the right direction, thanks!

@ebrewer The JDBC extensions are pretty much just wrappers around the actual JDBC jars which come from MS, MySQL, Oracle, etc. The only thing that usually changes between versions of a Lucee JDBC extension is the upstream JDBC jar and the version number of the LAS extension always matches the version of the upstream JDBC library. So if you want to see what changed between 7.2.2 and 9.4.1, you can just look up those respective version numbers for Microsoft’s JDBC driver releases.

For non-JDBC extensions, I don’t think Lucee has normally put out release notes, but most likely because no one has taken the time to do it (limited resources, etc).


Thanks for the info Brad!
I’m glad i wasn’t just missing a link right in front of my face :slight_smile:

I’ve been posting release notes for some of our extensions as they get updated



Appreciate it, thanks!