Every doc I read it says “Download Lucee Linux Installer” but on the download site there is only a Windows installer and a link to a Docker repository.
Where is the Linux installer? Can Lucee be installed without Docker on Linux?
OS: Linux Alma/RHEL Java Version: x Tomcat Version: x Lucee Version: x
Steve, while we await an official answer (or pointer to some discussion on the matter), I can note at least that recent past “release”-level installers have offered a Linux one. For instance, just two point releases ago (picking from the drop down on the installer page), there’s specifically:
And once you install that one, you could of course upgrade it to 5.3.10 within the admin or otherwise.
I realize you may have looked at the current and previous point-release and, not seeing any, wondered somehow if there weren’t any Linux installers. Hope the above helps.
And granted, it’s not the single step one could want to be installing 5.3.10 on Linux, but at least it’s a solution while awaiting a Linux installer for 5.3.10. I suspect we’ll hear an explanation for that delay.
Before someone may say, “or you could just use commandbox”, he could also use the Lucee Docker image (as he noted), or the Lucee Express approach, or the war, and so on. ;-} There are lots of ways people can choose to implement Lucee, like ACF. He’s asking specifically (and understandably) about a Linux installer.
That said, I have wondered if there’s been consideration to adding a link to Commandbox at the top of the download page, like there is for the dockerhub link.
Yes, you’re not going mad. The download interface is a bit odd.
You are looking for a production-ready stable Lucee release, so you want to find a Linux installer for Release-grade downloads:
• https://download.lucee.org/
• Under “Release”, navigate through the version dropdown until you find a release that offers a “Linux (64b) Installer”. At time of writing, that’s
• wget the .run file to your Linux /tmp folder, set its permissions to executable and run it, as below:—
I know the Lucee dev team tried to get certain things of the installer working smoother lately, e.g. enhancing the Java Version identification on the machines OS. Looks like an easy task, but it isn’t (especially when testing it on the various existing Linux flavours). By the way, the Lucee dev team isn’t the creator of the installer (it was handed over to/forked by the Lucee Team not so long ago), so the installer deployment is a task that still is pretty new. I’m sure the installer will be published ASAP.
The good news is, that you still can use an older installer version to install the latest stable Lucee version, just like @harryf thankfully showed and then upgrade the Lucee.jar, just like described in the Note section in the download and installing guide.
This workaround is likely not the satisfying answer you are expecting, but at this time, its the best we can get.
if [ ! -f install-lucee.tar.gz ]; then
echo “install-lucee.tar.gz not found. Do you want to download it now? [1 for Yes/0 for No]:”
read download_choice
if [ $download_choice -eq 1 ]; then
wget https://github.com/example/version/install-lucee.tar.gz
echo “Exiting script. Please download install-lucee.tar.gz and run the script again.”
exit 1
echo “Do you want to use the default directory ($default_dir)? [1 for Yes/0 for No]:”
read choice
if [ $choice -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Enter the destination directory: "
read dest_dir
if [ ! -d $dest_dir ]; then
echo “$dest_dir does not exist. Creating directory…”
mkdir $dest_dir
tar -xf install-lucee.tar.gz -C $dest_dir
echo “Untar operation completed successfully.”
if [ -f $lucee_conf ]; then
echo “Moving lucee.conf to /etc/httpd/conf.d”
sudo mv $lucee_conf /etc/httpd/conf.d
echo “$lucee_conf not found.”
If I can find out exactly what lines are touched in Tomcat, (Which I am looking at anyways) I am looking to reverse build a RPM for RHEL clones and a deb for Debian clones. The above script works on RHEL Clones, with little if any modification.
Once fully tested, we can use CFEXECUTE to build the RPM file like so.
Hi, I know that @Zackster was the one who usually did the builds of the installer. I know that he got COVID-19 and never heard about him again. Then I saw that there have been changes and he is now working for pixl8, where I have heard that he had been busy working lately and occasionally for the Lucee devs. But sincerely I had pretty good contact with him in the past when I had to do with Lucee contributing (I have a new job now) …and I’ve learnt most about Lucee from him. I’ve never seen anything else in Slack or here being posted by him at the front of the Lucee devs, but I know he did some merges.
My sense is that he is no community manager/moderator anymore. Don’t know… Somehow I feel ghosted by the Lucee dev team not letting us know about what is or has happened. It looks like there is no community manager anymore, because there is no other communication left than “what is new in Lucee6” since September23.
@andreas Lucee still is a community effort in big parts, we are very thankful for all the time @Zackster has given for the project and he is still part of the Lucee family.
We are aware of the missing communication and we will improve that very soon.
I will see that we get the missing builds in place ASAP, with Lucee 6 we are moving away from hosting the builds ourself, instead we are moving to provide everything directly from maven with a backup from S3 for the “old” builds.
Because Lucee does support “Java Scripting” we may will switch to a scripting based installer, that way the installer script will be written in CFML, what gives the community a easy entry to participate.