What are the ideal connection settings for a datasource in Lucee?

Connection limit (max) -Restricts the maximum number of simultaneous connections at one time|

Connection idle timeout (in minutes)-Define how long an idle connection will be kept alive, before being closed

Connection timeout -Define how long a connection will be kept alive, before being closed

Using the “Thin” driver:
Oracle 11g (Release 2)
Oracle Database Driver to access an Oracle Database System.

Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!

Version Lucee
Version Name Gelert
Release date Oct 11, 2023
ontainer Apache Tomcat/9.0.24
Java 11.0.6 (Oracle Corporation) 64bit
OS Linux (3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64) 64bit
Architecture 64bit

My opinion is that it depends very much on the application.

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Currently when I first load my application the queries take a long time to complete. After the first load the queries load quicker. After about a minute the queries take a long time to load again. The queries are not being cached. At least the debugging doesn’t indicate that they are.

The same queries always load fast on the Adobe Cold Fusion server. Does this sound like a datasource configuration issue? It’s like the connection is being closed and the delay is the new connection being created?