Web Service POST

Hi Support ,
Values posted from web service , can’t catch with < cfargument> .
Post :

When I call this post process, it always saves NULL and 0 to the database.

Can you help me ?
OS : Windows 10 (10.0) 64bit
Java Version : 11.0.7 (AdoptOpenJDK) 64bit
Tomcat Version : Tomcat/9.0.35
Lucee Version : Lucee

Lucee Code :

        <cfargument  name="MAKINA_ID" type="String" required="false"  >

        <cfargument  name="URUN_ID" type="String" required="false"  >

        <cfargument  name="ADET" type="String" required="false" >

        <cfargument  name="SPARIS_ID" type="String" required="false" >

    <cfquery name="get_emp" datasource="iot">           
















Hi @FingolfiN welcome!!!

Are you using Lucee’s inbuilt REST functionality or a framework (coldbox or taffy)?

If you are using Lucee’s inbuilt rest functionality, you may need to use the specific rest attribute restargsource=“url”. For an example please see the function getTimeZone in the example component here at 4. Creating the REST example application

Please see also this video at https://youtu.be/R_VnRawOhhc (see the part at 3:48)

-Are you using Lucee’s inbuilt REST functionality or a framework (coldbox or taffy)?

+No i do not use ,

  • If you are using Lucee’s inbuilt rest functionality, you may need to use the specific rest attribute restargsource=“url”. For an example please see the function getTimeZone in the example component here at 4. Creating the REST example application

+I share component and function structures with you

        <cfcomponent rest="true" restpath="post_uretim">  
           <cffunction name="uretim"   access="remote" returntype="string" 
             httpmethod="POST"  restpath="uretim"  produces="text/json" >

In your function you are using the httpmethod POST, but you posted a link as

That is GET with URL variables. Did you take a look at the example I provided and the video?

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When I typed restaurgsource=“url” into < cfargument>, I got what I wanted . Thanks for the help
<cfargument name= ‘‘MAKINA_ID’’ restargsource=“url” >
<cfargument name= ‘‘URUN_ID’’ restargsource=“url” >
<cfargument name= ‘‘ADET’’ restargsource=“url” >
<cfargument name= ‘‘SPARIS_ID’’ restargsource=“url” >

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