Unsupported characterset Error with MySQL using Utf8mb4

Hi I am having trouble setting the connection in the lucee admin to utf8mb4, I keep getting an error “unsupported characterset”

Am trying to alter this as part of a solution to allow emojis to be added into a certain field in the database

Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Lucee Version: Lucee
Database MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.29

How are you setting up the connection? is that error comming from an application.cfc datasource setting? Was it an existing one, or are you trying to set it up a new datasource through the server or web-admin? Did you have the UTF8 Character Set in the datasource creation in the admin activated?

Another thing: You are saying, you are setting in the “admin to utf8mb4”. utf8mb4 is the table setting for UTF-8. If you use a table with utf8mb4 you’ll need to use UTF-8 as character settings. Please see this post on stackoverflow, it should explain a little bit more about it. Please read all of it, because it will explain in detail the different parts of your application and settings you’ll have to check. Good luck.

Hi it is set up through the server admin.

When I got into edit the datsource it is currently set at UTF-8