Time Between Contexts has not been fulfilled. Please wait a few moments and try again

I’m migrating a CF multitenant application to lucee.
I have several virtual host in apache, each one pointing to its own folder.
Every time I need a new tenant, I add an apache conf file and restart apache. In CF tomcat there is no virtual host, and I believe all the apache vhost live in the same CF tomcat container.

In Lucee, we managed to do the same, I believe through mod_cfml (?). The behaviour is identical I just restart apache with new host and I understand that Lucee tomcat create a context for each apache vhost on the fly.

So my questions are:

  • with almost 100 hosts I start to see the error “Time Between Contexts has not been fulfilled. Please wait a few moments and try again”…is there any configuration I should set to increase the limit?
  • I found an (old) article about railo, explaining the whole context thing, and basically saying I’m headed for big troubles…https://lagod.id.au/blog/?tag=coldfusion …it will be true?

Has anybody experience with what I am doing, or any advice?

Tweak timeBetweenContexts=“2000” ?


yes thanks, I finally saw that, put it at 0, I will not have DDOS attack and was creating a problem during restart as is a heavy load ETL server.

It leaves now to me the second question…if it will be just a matter of scaling up, I guess I’ll survive, but it’s a bit scary