Hi there!
A new version of the mod_cfml Apache component for Windows has been built. Mainly because the old one was unusable with latest Apache versions (because it was created with VC10)
See mod_cfml Apache 2.4 VC16 build · Issue #21 · viviotech/mod_cfml · GitHub for download details and tests done.
Because I could only test on 1 clean Windows server, would any of you please take a bit of time to test the component on their Windows env? Off course, on staging or dev, not on live
Here’s the instructions:
- Already using mod_cfml? Then just replace the mod_cfml.so file in {Apache dir}/modules/
- Not using it yet?
- Add mod_cfml.so file to {Apache dir}/modules/
- Add this line to {Apache dir}/conf/httpd.conf: LoadModule modcfml_module modules/mod_cfml.so
- Restart Apache, and check if it comes up.
- Then check the logs at {Apache dir}/logs/error.log. It should contain a line with “Thanks for using ModCFML, version 1.1.10”. (If not, try changing the “LogLevel” setting in httpd.conf to “LogLevel info” for this test)
- Let me know if it worked.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Kind regards,
Paul Klinkenberg