Lucee Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
Meeting 4 Date/Time: 24th November 2015 @ 20:00 UCT In Attendance: Brad Wood, Simon Hooker, Kai Koenig, Luis Majano, Mark Drew, Dominic Watson Absent: Sean Corfield, Igal Sapir, Micha Offner
Summary of votes taken in this meeting
Full details of the discussions surrounding these tickets can be found in the minutes below
Discussion on this topic will continue in the next TAG meeting
Review enhancement tickets
A selection of existing proposals and enhancements were selected for review during this TAG meeting. Not all selected tickets were able to be discussed within the time allowed.
LDEV-249 change lambda syntax from → to =>: Approve
No-brainer imho
LDEV-82 Preventing Method Injection: Reject
Rejected that idea because I think it’s the wrong approach for a dynamic language.
LDEV-64 Feature toggle system: Reject
The influx of feature toggles as of now is terrible, I think Lucee needs a very clear decision on what the language will and should be and that’s it. No “oh, let’s add a toggle here to customise stuff” anymore please.
LDEV-54 Improve onFinally(): Move to public consultation
I was quite negative on this initially. After we had a discussion about CFC-based custom tags in the TAG, I now think that this ticket might make sense, provided CFC-based custom tags get proper documentation and proper support. Deserves being moved to Public consultation regardless.
LDEV-46 Formal mix-ins: Move to public consultation
Again, this is interesting. I like the PHP concepts @adam_cameron linked in the original ticket, and I think this idea warrants at least further consultation/discussion.
LDEV-60 Add assert statement: Reject
Against this idea and pro-reject for fundamental reasons. I think assert statement in the provided context is plainly a bad idea and leads to developers not dealing with error handling properly.