Switching to Jakarta EE Mail

I was looking into the JavaMail issue and ran across this:

Jakarta Mail, like other parts of Jakarta EE, is moving to the jakarta.*

How big a deal is moving to the jakarta name space going to be for Lucee?

According to https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/mail/ it’s mostly a namespace change

The 1.6.5 release is (hopefully) the last release of the Jakarta Mail project in the 1.x line, and includes several bug fixes and enhancements. The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail.

Jakarta Mail, like other parts of Jakarta EE, is moving to the jakarta.* package namespace. This is a major change, and so the next release will be Jakarta Mail 2.0.0, which will be included in Jakarta EE 9. Applications should be able to switch to this new version fairly easily by just changing all imports that use javax.mail.* to instead use jakarta.mail.* . Note that SNAPSHOT and Release Candidate versions of Jakarta Mail 2.0.0 are already available.

Are there plans at Lucee to update to the jakarta name space soon? It sounds like this would fix the mail issue since moving to Jakarta would also include moving to Jakarta Mail.
