Setting up on new win10

Trying to install using the windows-x64-installer and a window pops up asking me to enter the default passwords for the Lucee Server Administrator and lucee Web Administrators. What are they?

Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!

OS: Win10 Pro 22H2
Java Version: 8 Update 411
Tomcat Version: ???
Lucee Version:

Never install lucee by binary, but I think you should choose a password of your choice.

Are saying that you have never used the EXE file to install Lucee. OK, I downloaded the express version and expanded it into a folder then ran the startup batch file. It put up a message saying “Java Directory Not Found” yet windows says Java 8 Update 411 is installed??

From docs:

for Luce Express:

Step 2: For Windows: Create a batch file at path-to-lucee-express\bin\setenv.bat with the following content:

REM set a path to a dedicated JDK 
set "JRE_HOME=path-to-your-jdk\"
exit /b 0

You definitely have to adapt the paths to your environment.

If you use Lucee Installer instead, AdoptOpenJDK (Java Development Kit) is already included in the package.



The Passwords the Lucee installer asks you to add, are the passwords for configuring Lucee through a Web Administrator GUI. The Lucee Server Admin is for global configuration, the Web Admin for configuration per domain name (if not setup the global settings are inhereted from the Lucee Server Admin).

Many configurations can also be setup through the Application.cfc file or via server/environment variables, what would not need any Admin-GUI

Thank you for responding and apologies for the delayed response. I believe my “path-to-your-jdk” is

“C:/Program Files(x86)/java/jre-1.8”

The startup bat still gives the “java version not found” error even though the environment variable is set.

in my opinion, this is jre not jdk.

try to write on win shell:

echo %JAVA_HOME%

What is the result?

Mine is:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221

The Installer should ask you to install a dedicated java. I’d use that functionalitiy for installing java, because it won’t mess storing anything in the windows registry and updating your java version is quite simple, because you just need to adapt the path location in tomcats setenv.bat file.

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That’s a 32-bit jvm you’re pointing to (since it exists in the “program files (x86)” folder). I’m pretty sure it needs to be a 64-bit jvm for Lucee.

(I couldn’t readily find clarification of that or discussion here, but I know Adobe dropped 32-bit support starting with CF2018.)

You can easily obtain one as a zip, extract it, and point Lucee at it, and have no negative impact on whatever 32-bit program you had which is or was relying on that 32-bit jvm.

All this stuff can get real fiddly, especially on a machine with many apps leveraging Java.


‘never’… I always do… and don’t see any reason that is an issue. (only been doing that for almost a decade)… the installer also includes jre, and for a nubie, i would NOT recommend doing it manually ever.

just run the installer again and change the password to something you know. #simple

fyi : there is a password.txt file in the server directory that gets ingested on first run also. YOu can find info about changing the password also by dropping that file there in plain text, it reads it then deletes it after restart.

forget the convoluted setup on windows and ALWAYS use the binary installer. IMHO

Just because I use CommandBox :grin:

I think the Lucee Docs for installation need updating.

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My thanks to everyone for the responses but I believe I have struck an ambiguity. In my opening question, I was saying that I was faced with a request for default passwords. I was thinking this meant some pre-defined passwords whereas it was asking me to define what will become the default passwords.

Used Lucee exe file to install and it’s up & running.

@Terry_Whitney I was very short in time for any contributions lately. What exactly is outdated?

@andreas We (not just you) and I have notes on what I plan on updating

We need to update the install methods for Lucee6, its nearly identical
We need to update the supported OS Versions for Windows / Linux
Minor updates to how to fix common install issues.
Minor installer update instructions for running on FreeBSD / OpenBSD

Its not major and nothing I wasnt going to see if I could not take up in the next few months.

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