Lucee on Cento
We have 2 Lucee server and since upgrade to Lucee we don’t see any updates now.
Never seen this before, how do we fix it.
Lucee on Cento
We have 2 Lucee server and since upgrade to Lucee we don’t see any updates now.
Never seen this before, how do we fix it.
Have you checked whether your firewall is blocking outgoing traffic from your servers?
I have seen this on my local machine as well. Disabling Windows 10 firewall had no effect on it.
Fortunately, there is an easy way around this: Download the Lucee Core .ico file, place it in the Patches directory and restart the server. The docs mention it here:
How to update Lucee :: Lucee Documentation.
We are seeing this on all of our VMs. Haven’t checked the firewall settings yet because we didn’t change anything.
It isn’t the firewall, there is nothing outgoing being blocked
Seeing the same issue and replacing the ico file has no effect, and when opening the lucee admin page it starts an update check thread which never times out.
Anyone found another solution for this?
Upgraded to Lucee but this screen remains the same, there must be fix for this.
We were able to successfully upgrade a Dev server to Lucee 6 using the instructions under “Firewall” here: How to update Lucee :: Lucee Documentation @Stephan_Mos
Thanks @ChipNCharge, yes the method works to update the lucee version (although I haven’t tried to version 6 as we’re still running 5.4.3.x) but it doesn’t fix the problem with the lucee admin not being able to connect to updates and leaving a hanging thread that’s trying to do the update that never terminates.
Is this not going to fixed?
I can see them in the Lucee 6 Server Admin now. Still can’t see them in Lucee 5.