Secure a Lucee Installation under Ubuntu


Note that I am a Linux beginner.

I was unable to upload file, via an ftp server, to the
/lucee/tomcat/wabapps/ROOT/ folder with my account.
I noticed Lucee/Tomcat installed as root.

I would like to know if i did it right ?

I created a tomcat.tomcat user/group.
Changed the ownership of tomcat folder (recursive)
Updated the init.d/lucee_ctl script (TOMCAT_OWNER=tomcat)
Granted group write permission to ROOT
Add my account to the tomcat group.

Everything seems ok ; I can upload file to ROOT with ftp client…

Is that ok ?


Yeah, it seems reasonable.

You might want to configure your web server (or Tomcat itself if you don’t
use one) to restrict access to the web-based administrator too.
