Is it possible to run Lucee and Adobe CF 2021 side by side on my server when Apache is the web server?
I downloaded the Lucee WAR file, dropped it in my Tomcat webapps folder and it auto installed. When I did that, Adobe CF stopped working (CF admin doesn’t load).
I was able to connect Apache and Tomcat for Lucee; so all good with Lucee.
Is it possible to reconnect Tomcat and Adobe CF?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!
OS: Windows Server 2016 Standard Java Version: 11 with latest patch Tomcat Version: 9.0.98 Lucee Version:
I will assume this is for dev, so here is the easiest route
install java 11or greater
download the binary for afc, and install it as per their documentation. Basically hit yes --alot. leave verything default and do not install any connectors
downalod the installer or express version of Lucee, run it and follow the prompts, do not install any httpd connectors.
start both services and verify on localhost , ie (AFC) and :8888 (Lucee) are running
Note, on windows port 8500 is actually reserved for windows update services, so if you are doing this on a newer server install, you will need to switch that port to 8501.
On linux, same as above,
Disable selinux first, ie setenforce 0
do not install connectors.
On linux, depending on your requirements, put both user and groups for dedicated service user in the same group or use the same user and group if its a dev box ie, www-data for ubuntu or apache for RHEL clones.
I guess my post wasn’t clear. Tomcat and ACF already exist on the server, and ACF was responding on the Tomcat port, 8080. I added Lucee. Using the WAR, the Lucee install was a piece of cake. But in doing so it broke the Tomcat-ACF connection.
My focus right now is on the Tomcat server.xml file.