Request overhead after upgrading to version

We are currently upgrading from Lucee version to version

We have seen that all request have ~800-1000ms overhead now. Request that completed in 100ms take around 1100ms.

The weird thing is that Lucee itself is fast, it completes in <100ms if I log timestamps or check the request with FusionReactor.
I turned on IIS failed request logging and it reports that IIS itself is fast but that the request handler itself is slow (BonCode-Tomcat-CFM-Handler):

I have turned on logging with BonCode but wasn’t able to get any useful information from it.

Where else can I look to discover where this overhead comes from?

Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!

OS: Windows Server 2019
Java Version: 11.0.15+10
Tomcat Version: Apache Tomcat/9.0.62
Lucee Version:

What did you upgrade? Did you also upgrade Tomcat? If so, that might be related to the Ghostcat issue. Please look at


Complete new installation after removing the old Lucee (and Tomcat with it) and boncode installations.

Use fusion reactor to identify what is slower. It could be anything.

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Fusion reactor shows the request as ~100ms.

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This was the solution! Adding ‘address=“::1”’ to tag solved it. Thanks for your help.


Great!!! That’s what the 24/7 Lucee community driven support is all about :smiley: Glad it help!

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