The following issue exists in our server for long now.
in-memory file is used.
lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException: parentdirectory directory for [ram:///filename.txt]
doesnot exist.
Please have a look at the full log attached as screenshot. The issue has
been a headache for months now. The strange fact is that after the lucee
restart the issue no longer seems to exist.
The first thing you should do is update a current version of Lucee.
Then, if the problem persists, report it again, and if you believe this
to be a bug then please open a ticket for it in the JIRA at
Thanks for your response. I just created a post on I manage a French property portal ( and this error keeps on appearing since Railo 4. I increased RAM on the server to 64 GB’s. Use a lot of caching, perhaps the RAM still becomes overloaded anyway.
You’re allocating about 85% of the machine’s RAM to the JVM. If that’s
necessary then fine, but most likely it is not. Allocating that much
memory can cause other issues with garbage disposal etc., so if it’s not
needed you should really reconsider that.
Also, I advised that the first thing you should do is update to a
current version of Lucee, which I don’t think that you did.
so that it can get seen by the developers. See if you can create a test case that can be reproduced.
Please add information such as how much memory is available to Lucee, maybe you are just running out of memory and you can’t add that file to ram. (or it gets cleared out pretty quickly)
The file is not deleted. The filename.txt is an example. It is s definitely the RAM which does not exists. If I restart the Lucee server it is there again. This is the function called, I use a lock.
<cffunction name="grabImage" returnType="string" access="public" hint="grabs an image makes a thumb and puts it in the proper directory" output="false">
<cfargument name="propertyId" type="numeric" required="false" default="0">
<cfargument name="agentId" type="numeric" required="false" default="5">
<cfargument name="fileUrl" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="newImageWidth" type="numeric" required="true">
<cfargument name="imageType" type="string" default="" required="false">
<cfargument name="imageName" type="string" default="" required="false">
<cfargument name="deleteRam" type="boolean" default="true" required="false">
<!--- remove spaces in images --->
<cfset variables.fileUrl2=replace(trim(arguments.fileUrl)," ", "%20", "all")>
<!--- create new filename --->
<cfif arguments.imageName is "">
<!--- create unique image name if no image name is provided --->
<cfset variables.imgName2 = lCase(listFirst(CreateUUID(), "-")) & right(TimeFormat(Now(),"hhmmss"), 3)>
<cfset variables.imgName2=ListAppend(variables.imgName2,"jpg",".")>
<cfset variables.imgName2=arguments.imageName>
<cfif deleteRam is false>
<cffile action="readBinary" variable="imageGet" file="#variables.fileUrl2#">
<cffile action="write" output="#imageGet#" file="ram://#variables.imgName2#">
<!--- Create thumbnail, note this does not resize the image in memory, just the image that is written to disk.--->
<cfset cfImage = imageNew("ram://#variables.imgName2#")>
<cfset imageData = imageInfo(cfImage)>
<cfset imageWidth=imageData.width>
<cfset imageHeight=imageData.height>
<cfset theDivisionNewImage=arguments.newImageWidth/imageWidth>
<cfset newImageHeight=round(imageHeight*theDivisionNewImage)>
<cfparam name="imageTypeId" default="1">
<cfswitch expression="#arguments.imageType#">
<cfcase value="thumb">
<!--- Check if main thumb is already there --->
<cfquery datasource="#request.datasourceName#" name="checkMainThumb">
SELECT * FROM pictures p WHERE picture_type_id=4 and property_id =#arguments.propertyId#
<cfif checkMainThumb.recordCount GT 0>
<cfset imageTypeId="2">
<cfset imageTypeId="4">
<cfcase value="logo">
<cfset imageTypeId="3">
<cfset variables.newImageName= "#imageType##variables.imgName2#">
<cfset variables.newImageName2= "#year(now())#/#month(now())#/#variables.newImageName#">
<!--- width new image function --->
<cfset ImageResize(cfImage,"#newImageWidth#","#newImageHeight#","highestPerformance",1)>
<cfimage source="#cfImage#" action="write" destination="#request.wwwroot_folder#/images/pictures/#variables.newImageName2#" overwrite="yes">
<cfquery datasource="#request.datasourceName#" name="insertProperty">
INSERT INTO pictures (name,width,height,property_id,picture_type_id,agent_id)
VALUES ("#variables.newImageName2#",#newImageWidth#,#newImageHeight#,#arguments.propertyId#, #imageTypeId#,#arguments.agentId#)
<cfif deleteRam is true>
<cffile action="delete" file="ram://#variables.imgName2#" />
<!--- extra check delete all existing RAM files not necessary
<!--- Loop over all the files on our RAM drive. --->
<cfloop query="files">
<!--- Delete the file. --->
</cfloop> --->
<cfreturn variables.imgName2>
I got this code working fine locally (it ignores the database and I had to create some paths) but for the ram stuff it works fine. Following the link you passed earlier it seems to be working fine again? (Uw statistieken Unless you have changed the code there of course?
Ram should be available just like a file system and working inside a lock should at least stop other things accessing that specific file for the time that you are processing it so not sure what it could be .
It really depends on your application, but in most cases 8GB is plenty.
You can set a minimum of 4GB and a maximum of 8GB and watch your
server. If it keeps using around 8GB then you can increase the maximum,
or if you get an Out Of Memory error, of course.
Also, 6GB for MaxPermSize is a waste of memory in most cases. 512MB
should be more than enough usually. If you want to give it more then
use 1GB, but unless you get Out Of Memory errors there is no reason to
increase those values.
If you are running Java 8 then the MaxPermSize argument is ignored
anyway. That’s the reason I asked for the Java version.
To set a minimum memory allocation of 4GB, maximum of 8GB, and
MaxPermSize of 512MB (again, only if you are on Java 7 because on Java 8
that argument is ignored), set your JAVA_OPTS like so: