Query Indexed not works with QueryOfQuery

Some examples of the new Query Indexed feature use QueryOfQuery, but it seems to me that they do not work.

With a normal DB it works fine.

An example:

<cfset t = GetTagList()>
<cfset q = QueryNew("id,tag")>

<cfset index=1>
<cfloop collection="#t.cf#" item="item">
    <cfset QueryAddRow(q, [ index, item ])>
    <cfset index++>

<cfdump var="#q#">

<cfquery name="qIndexed" indexName="id" dbtype="query">
    SELECT * 
    FROM q

<cfdump var="#QueryRowByIndex(qIndexed, 'cookie')#">

Query is not indexed, index [cookie] not found on line 19

Am I doing something wrong?

bug filed Jira