I’m trying to update a Lucee server from to the latest version. When triggering an automatic update from the admin page I receive this message:
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
What could be the cause for this?
If a better option is to update manually, what are the important steps in that process? I tried adding the new lco-file and the new jar-file in their folders, but now I have an error message saying that it can’t find the file when accessing /lucee/admin/server.cfm
Lucee Error (missinginclude)
We have Tomcat 9.0.24 installed and prior to the upgrade I had this message on the update page:
You cannot downgrade below because your lucee.jar has bundled this version. To go below this version you need to replace your lucee.jar with an older version.
Is this something to take into consideration when upgrading?
Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!
OS: Windows Server 2016 Java Version: 11.0.4 Tomcat Version: 9.0.24 Lucee Version:
Perhaps more the issue is that your java is very old. That 11.0.4 you list is from 2019. The latest is 11.0.25 (from October), with 11.0.26 due out in a few days. (They’re updated quarterly.)
My point is that such errors as you show often happen because the site being called (via https, in this case the Lucee update site it seems) supports only more recent tls/SSL versions or algorithms than are supported by the jvm running Lucee/tomcat, as can happen with acf as well.
You should simply need to get a new jdk, unzip it, point lucee/tomcat at that, and then restart, then try the update.
You could even revert back to the old one if you wanted after doing your Lucee update, if you worry your app might have other issues with Lucees’s jvm updated. But it’s probably not a wise move to keep it downgraded long-term. Again, 5 year old Java has vulnerabilities, as does the old tomcat, as Terry indicated.
Let us know if that helps, or what additional help you’d need.