Password Reset - Suggestions Not Working


Hopefully, I’ve selected the correct category.

I’ve read all of the information/ suggestions provided regarding how to reset my password.
I followed the instructions below:

  1. Locate the line that looks like this: <cfLuceeConfiguration hspw="08ff01745878248e85425ea046533aa72e5595975c4f40ce85e1bae0ee9619b7" salt="505516A5-3EF1-4F43-8F0B7E0C2336CC91" version="4.5">
  2. Delete the attributes hspw & salt and save the file so that this line looks like this: <cfLuceeConfiguration version="4.5">
  3. Restart the Lucee Server
  4. Go to the Server Admin and set a new password `/lucee/admin/server.cfm’

I never got the New Password window.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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OS: ???
Java Version: ???
Tomcat Version: ???
Lucee Version: ???

What did you get?


The Login window. Requesting Password.

Did you edit the server context config or the web content config? Which admin URl are you visiting?

Initially, I only addressed the web. I went back and addressed the server. Addressing the server resulted in below…

No Password set yet!

For security reasons it is no longer possible to set the inital password here directly.
You will need to configure a password before you can access the Server Administrator.

  • create a file with name password.txt containing your new password under the root Lucee server directory ( /lucee-server/context/password.txt ).
  • click “import file”, Lucee will then read and configure your new password, afterwards Lucee will automatically delete that file

I will follow the steps and see if that will help; however, if you have additional guidance, please share.

Thank you.

Creating the password.txt file did the trick!

Thank you for responding.

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Hi, I see this post is a bit old but I have a similar problem now.
I have Lucee 6 on Ubuntu. I had installed it a few months ago and I just forgot the password.
Which method works now to reset it?
Thank you!

Hi Milena, nice to see you here in the Lucee forum :smiley: . . If you are on Lucee 6 and you want to reset the server admin password, open the cfconfig.json file at /path-to-your-lucee/lucee-server/context/CFConfig.json and set the hspw key to an empty string and save it. Place a file password.txt with the new password into the same directory (context) and restart Lucee. Lucee will grab that password.txt file, create the password hash and save that hash to the CFConfig.json file. Be carefull to create those files with the needed permissions for Lucee. Setting the password is the same with Ubuntu and Windows as well. If you are running Lucee 5, there won’t be a cfconfig.json file. The setting is set in Lucees xml file then.

Dear Andreas, thank you so much :smiley: Yes, this works exactly as described!

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See you Monday morning :smiley: