PagePool: 1191>(1000)

Since upgrading this morning to, we’ve been getting this new issue every 30-60 seconds in our logs… Is there a limit somewhere we need to increase?

Here is the line that log message is coming from:

it appears to mean the page pool cache is oversized and needs some evictions. I assume this runs every minute as part of the controler [sic] thread.

I don’t see an option to increase the max of 1000 which is hardcoded at the top of that class. There doesn’t seem to be an option in the admin and the class itself doesn’t even have a setter I can find for the max value. That code also looked the same when it was first committed in the repo 4 years ago so I’m not sure why you would just now see the log entries unless Lucee’s recent changes in logging have simply made the messages appear in a new location.

If I were you, I’d put in a ticket. Such a message should be a debug message and should not show up unless you set the logger to show debug messages. Also, I’m surprised Lucee doesn’t have a setting for the max page pool size. This has been configurable in Adobe CF forever.

@rd444 did you figured this out? I’m getting the same issue with Lucee and I can’t find a setting to increase the cache size.

We are doing much better on ourselves, though are still needing to restart maybe once a week or so when we get a low memory alert.

[LDEV-2904] - Lucee is a ticket in which I think there’s now a plan for progress, though I’m not sure if that’s a future minor update or a 6.0 update. @Zackster likely maybe hopefully knows.

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