Four years later but as I found this again in a Google search looking into Lucee logging, what I ended up doing for logging was simply to log the queries on the database side. This captures the actual queries with the parameter values. With MySQL I do this:
SET GLOBAL log_output = 'table'; # set log destination
TRUNCATE mysql.general_log; # clear out existing log
SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; # turn it on
# do Lucee stuff you want to log
SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF'; # turn it off
And then query it using something like this:
SELECT event_time, CONVERT(argument USING utf8) AS query
FROM mysql.general_log l
WHERE command_type = 'Query'
AND CONVERT(argument USING utf8) LIKE 'insert%'
AND user_host = 'lucee[lucee] @ localhost []';
As it’s all in a table, it’s also easy to run statistics on it, like count queries matching a certain string etc.
SQL Server you can use Extended Events, a trace, or look in sys.dm_exec_sql_text.