oracle driver:
ubuntu 22.04
tomcat: 9.0.58-1ubuntu0.1
openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64 11.0.21+9-0ubuntu1~22.04
The web admin interface for declaring datasources offers the option to specify the database server timezone so dates in string format without tz can get it set correctly and that the lucee server timezone is the default.
The code below triggers: ‘ORA-01882: timezone region not found’
<cfset this.datasources = {
"perms" = {
"class" = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
"bundleName" = "",
"bundleVersion" = "",
"connectionString" = "",
"username" = "PERMISSIONS",
"password" = "encrypted:a15e666ac2ad10645bdf8b206edc9d0b9bd82c56d828f23a3b0d9b57bc8557ff"
// none of these make the error go away:
// "timezone" = "UTC"
// "timezone" = "America/Denver"
// "timezone" = "MST"
<cfquery name="userid_qry" datasource="perms" result="local.qry_result">
select userid from users where userid = 'not found exmaple'
<cfoutput query="userid_qry">
Any advice ?