Omitting the semi-colon on abort causes an exception

These are okay:

No okay:

Omitting the semi-colon on plain old “abort” causes an exception: “The key
[ABORT] does not exist, but there is a similar key with name”

By design? Bug? Not a big deal, but seems a little inconsistent…


Omitting the semi-colon on plain old “abort” causes an exception: “The key
[ABORT] does not exist, but there is a similar key with name”

By design? Bug? Not a big deal, but seems a little inconsistent…

There’s a fair few of these.

For practical purposes, semi-colons aren’t really optional on Lucee’s
CFML. There’s too many exceptions to remember to make it practical to use,
IMO.On Monday, 18 May 2015 04:54:24 UTC+1, Adam Chapman wrote:


Actually this is not a bug and the parser simply follows the rules defined for that tag. the tag “abort” supports in script mode a value only attribute like for example break,include,return,… as well. the tag is not done because of the line break, a tag can across multiple lines, so if no “;” is done, the parser simply takes the next expression as a value for the tag. I did a more detail explanation in the ticket itself