ODBC connection Issue

So I have a SQL Server 2012 DB running with a ODBC connection. When I try to set up the datasource in the Lucee web admin, it says that port 1433 might be block by the firewall. The issue is that port 1433 is open for incoming and outgoing connections. Also the TCP/IP connection is also open (telnet pings port 1433 with no issues). Any idea what might be going on? We are switching from Railo to Lucee (this is a very old internal system we are using) and in Railo we are using JDBC-ODBC Bridge (which I see Lucee doesn’t have).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I do not know if this can help, but a solution that we need for a BD Sql server in our config (application.cfc):

this.datasources["xxx"] = {
				class: 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver'
				, bundleName: 'jtds'
				, bundleVersion: '1.3.1'
				, connectionString: 'jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;instance=ERPTRUST'
				, username: 'usernamedb'
				, password: "encrypted:xxxxxxxxxxx"
				// optional settings
				, blob:true // default: false
				, clob:true // default: false
				, connectionLimit:100 // default:-1
				, storage:true // default: false

jTDS (MSSQL,Sybase) extension : http://extension.lucee.org/rest/extension/provider/full/2BCD080F-4E1E-48F5-BEFE794232A21AF6?version=1.3.1

Thanks for the response. So you are you saying to try and connect through the application file and bypass the Lucee admin?

Yes, we had problems connecting to a specific instance of the SQL Server DB. In the administration there is no possibility to specify the instance (instance = ERPTRUST in the example).

But it works well for us.