No upgrades or downgrades available! After updating to Lucee to

Issue happened on 2 computers.

#1 – Bare Metal Tower – Dev machine
Win 10
IIS 10
Bundled: Java 8
Bundled: Tomcat 8

I used the Lucee Admin to update Lucee from to It went well overall, but now Lucee Admin no longer shows any upgrades or downgrades. It shows the message No upgrades or downgrades available! With just the Custom Update Provider section.

I checked Lucee logs. They do not show any issues.
I updated Java 8 to update 391. Still no upgrades or downgrades available.
I tried updating Tomcat by replacing lucee\tomcat\lib folder with lib from tomcat-8.5.96. Lucee would not start up. So I reverted back to the original lib folder. Lucee is back to working but still has the issue.

I tried manual update by copying lucee- to lucee\lib folder. This did update Lucee to but it still says No upgrades or downgrades available!

#2 – Azure VM - Production
Win Server 2016
IIS 10
Bundled: Java 8
Bundled: Tomcat 8

Same issue, but since it’s prod I didn’t try anything until I figure out solution in Dev.

I actually have a 3rd machine

#3 – Azure VM – Prod Standby
Win Server 2019
Bundled: (not sure what was bundled. But after I updated Lucee to everything was fine including availability of upgrades and downgrades. I now see it’s with Java 11.0.7 (AdoptOpenJDK) 64bit and Tomcat 9.0.35)

I’ve been building and updating these machines the same way except OS so not sure why Machine #3 has the newer Java and Tomcat. Maybe because it’s a Win Server 2019?

Not sure what else to try. If you have any thoughts on getting the Lucee Admin updater working on Machines #1 & #2 I would really appreciate insights of someone who understands what is happening :slight_smile:

I just saw a message on the blog to stay away from for now. Oops.

Thank you.


Just a little note:

There are different types of updating/updowngrading:

  1. Updating the FAT lucee.jar: This updates the full Lucee engine all together with the Lucee loader. This happens when you drop the FAT Lucee.jar to Tomcats /lib folderand restart the engine.

  2. Updating the lucee.ico file (patch) by using the admin or dropping the lucee.ico to the patch folder of your lucee instance.

Whenever you update through the admin, the admin gets/downloads the .ico file of the requested version and drops it to the patch folder and restarts Lucee. But(!!!) the FAT lucee jar version will always dictate the most downgradable version. The version of the FAT jar version is the lowest you can get. If you want to get a lower Lucee version, you MUST do it by downgrading the FAT Lucee jar.

If something gets stuck while upgrading through the admin, you can still interfere manually (always backup everything first!!!) by taking a look into your patch folder and replacing those .ico of versions manually. But only use .ico versions beyond the version your FATLucee.jar version.

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Very helpful. And such a clear explanation. Thanks!

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