New release process for extension

With Lucee 5.3 we completely reorganize how we handle updates for the core and extensions.
In 5.3 we will no longer have different update providers for Snapshots and releases. A single update provider will provide all this.

It will show if there are new releases or/and snapshots at the same time.

Extension will be handled exactly the same way as core updates, mean you will see releases and snapshots in the admin. But the Lucee 5.2 Admin still only supports releases for Extensions.

Now we have started to support snapshots for extension already.

The first snapshot we have is for EHCache

So you can download that Snapshot and install manually, but you cannot install in the Admin itself because the 5.2 admin does not show extension snapshots.

OK but what exactly is the change now?
if we do a fix in a extension, the extension is only released as a snapshot first and not as a release. the release will follow in most cases with the next lucee core release. Before we had only releases which of course was not sufficient.