Bug fixes and improvements in the code, the focus for the 5.3.7 sprint was stability and regressions, details in the tickets below.
Tickets addressed in this release cycle
LDEV-2889 - allow to use multiple xsd files with XMLValidate
LDEV-2860 - Error - Unable to resolve lucee.image.extension
LDEV-2857 - directoryDelete() can throw NPE
LDEV-2852 - Showing wrong result - using FindOneOf() Member function
LDEV-2834 - Admin-Update, seems has wrong if No upgrade/downgrade version
LDEV-2814 - Lucene and S3 extension get (re) deployed after each update
LDEV-2808 - Regression - Intermittent ClassNotFoundException exception when compiling
LDEV-2798 - Method code too large! after update from to
LDED-2791 - Can’t access plugins install at server level in context web admin
LDEV-2779 - NPE uninstalling an extensionLDEV-2655 - autocommit=true always set
LDEV-2654 - Floor() / Int() can round a number down to > 1 less than its value
LDEV-2651 - Scan deploy folder for extensions to install on startup
LDEV-2597 - createObject (“webservice”, …) broken since (SOAP v1.1)
LDEV-2578 - Reduce INFO logging
LDEV-2568 - CFCOOKIE - Incompatibility with ACF
LDEV-2558 - Extension management broken inside CommandBox CLI/JSR-233
LDEV-2533 - Status showing open - when using Fileclose()
LDEV-2524 - DeserializeJSON does not properly handle uppercase letters in basic multilingual plane values
LDEV-2505 - getFileInfo() is really slow
LDEV-2487 - QoQ and QuerySort don’t sort varchar columns correctly
LDEV-2312 - java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED at lucee.runtime.op.date.DateCaster.toDateAdvanced
LDEV-2288 - Lucee engine reset() kills current thread (regression)
LDEV-2277 - REGRESSION - createObject webservice WSDL error on generating token
LDEV-2158 - Query sorting ignores leading hyphen
LDEV-2061 - getting exception from release in Jetty Servlet engine
LDEV-1846 - CFDocument fails to produce pdf with lmdp locked error
LDEV-1506 - server and extension updates are insecurely downloaded over http
LDEV-1236 - Add SameSite-attribute to cfcookie
Our thanks goes to all Contributors for this release candidate:
If you encounter any regressions with this release candidate, please first post to the mailing list at https://lucee.daemonite.io, or raise a ticket with https://bugs.lucee.org and the label “regression”, we will look into it with the highest priority.
No, work on the new snapshot always begins at the same time that an RC is announced. I’ve also seen a stream of builds coming through to ForgeBox for the 5.3.8 snapshot, but 5.3.7 seems to have been forgotten about in terms of releasing it as a stable release.
Regarding the regression you mentioned above, is there a ticket in JIRA with the regression label for that? Also, depending on the error you’re seeing, there is also a known issue with CommandBox and CFMail on some of the later versions where the Javamail dependency was updated in Lucee and it conflicts with another jar. It’s an easy fix, but I’m not sure if it’s related to what you’re seeing or not.
Yes me, two , but seems like it’s been changed. Surely I don’t have to raise an issue to get a feature CFML has had since I started using Adobe CF 4.5 put back ?!?
The builds should now be available on Docker Hub. The Lucee JARs should be the same as the builds from 15 days ago, but since this build is newer the main difference would be that the base Tomcat image could have some updates (JDK, Tomcat itself, etc).
A quick heads up for anyone testing the samesite stuff, the (and has my fixes regarding not sending samesite=“none” https://luceeserver.atlassian.net/browse/LDEV-2993