New Lucee Build checks for 6.0

I’ve added a few new rules to the Lucee 6.0 build.

  • When using say -DtestServices="oracle", if that service is not configured or available the test run will fail
  • If no tests are found to run, the test run will fail.
  • If tests are found to run, but all are skipped, the test run will fail.
  • OSGI bundle errors are now printed out during the create archive step and they include the parent bundle (i.e extension) in the error message [LDEV-4108] - Lucee

This is workaround a few quirks in the test suite, as it’s a rather complex testing environment with lots of services (think ldap, jdbc, smtp, s3 etc)

  • By default, any tests which can’t be introspected via GetComponentMetaData() (aka compiled) are automatically skipped
  • Any services which aren’t configured or unavailable are disabled from testing

There is a build option -DtestDebug="true" which will dump out all compile errors and full stack traces.

All the 6.0 build options are documented here Building Lucee 5 & 6 from source :: Lucee Documentation

I have also backported the /bootstrap-tests.cfm from 6.0 to 5.3 to allow local testing of extensions using 5.3 and Script-Runner, rather than only with 6.0. Building and Testing Lucee Extensions :: Lucee Documentation

It’s a bit rough around the edges as the 6.0 build has a lot more options and has had a lot of refactoring and cleanup, but it works.