New build options -DtestDebug="true" and -DtestSkip="false"

I have just added two new build flags for Lucee 6.0


any tests which don’t compile are automatically skipped (we can’t check the meta data), when enabled this will output the compile errors

[java]    [script] ERROR: [C:\work\lucee6\test\tickets\_LDEV1813.cfc] threw Syntax Error, Invalid Construct
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\tickets\_LDEV1813.cfc :: Syntax Error, Invalid Construct
[java]    [script] ERROR: [C:\work\lucee6\test\tickets\_LDEV2337.cfc] threw Missing [;] or [line feed] after expression
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\tickets\_LDEV2337.cfc :: Missing [;] or [line feed] after expression

It will also output the reasons why a test is filtered

[java]    [script] -------------- Start Tests -----------
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\cache\Memcached.cfc :: excluded by testFilter
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\cache\MemcachedV3.cfc :: excluded by testFilter
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\datasource\HSQLDB.cfc :: excluded by testFilter
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\datasource\mongodb\Application.cfc :: excluded by testFilter
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\datasource\MongoDB.cfc :: excluded by testFilter
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\components\Administrator\TestArchive\Admin.cfc :: excluded by testFilter
[java]    [script] C:\work\lucee6\test\cache\RAM.cfc :: excluded by testFilter


In addition to the traditional TestBox skip="true" approach, Lucee has the convention that any test which is prefixed by an _ is also skipped by default.

Using the following combination, you can now run all the disabled prefixed tests
ant -DtestSkip="false" -DtestFilter="_" -DtestDebug="true"

All the build flags are documented here