Lucee trying to use an older version of the s3 extension?

I have a client that’s trying to launch a new production instance of an app based on the Lucee docker image. Initially it would immediately throw an error that CFZip did not exist. So they updated the Dockerfile to manually download and copy in the compression extension .lex file.

Now they are getting an error that the code is trying to use a older version of the luce

“ERROR”,“https-openssl-nio-8443-exec-5”,“11/04/2020”,“19:41:33”,“controller”,"The OSGi Bundle with name [s3.extension] is not available in version [] locally (/opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/bundles) or from the update provider (, the following versions are available locally [,].;The OSGi Bundle with name [s3.extension] is not available in version [] locally (/opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/bundles) or from the update provider (, the following versions are available locally [,].;lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: The OSGi Bundle with name [s3.extension] is not available in version [] locally (/opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/bundles) or from the update provider (, the following versions are available locally [,].

Permissions on the server a container are very limited. If anyone has any ideas what is going on it would be appreciated.

If the extensions aren’t being loaded in the first place, stop and troubleshoot that before you start trying to manually install stuff. After a fresh image boots, what extensions are in the extensions/installed folder? What is in the deploy.log? What is in the console log?

Thanks for the tip. I truly appreciate it.

@mattlevine Any update on the contents of the installed folder and the contents of the log files?