Version 1.2 adds a degree of support for WEBP images via GitHub - haraldk/TwelveMonkeys: TwelveMonkeys ImageIO: Additional plug-ins and extensions for Java's ImageIO
Keep in mind limitations in the WebP support in TwelveMonkeys applies to Lucee as well
This required some changes to the Lucee core, to support ImageIO plugins.
This will only work with and (or newer)
Webp is getting very popular. Is there any time line for when/if this will be part of a Lucee release?
Lucee 6.0 bundles 1.2.0, WebP support in twelve monkeys is an ongoing project
If you want to see better support in Lucee, sponsoring the upstream library’s author will help Lucee improve it’s image support Sponsor @haraldk on GitHub Sponsors · GitHub
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