Lucee Stable Released

The Lucee Team is proud to announce our latest stable release

You can find the full changelogs on our new changelog pages Lucee Server Changelogs - 6.2

There a few potential minor breaking changes

There are a few new functions

Plus a whole new range of Java integration which @micstriit has shared previously

Check out the recipes on

Known Regressions

Regressions are being tracked in this epic

Please post here or in slack before filing a new ticket

Jakarta Support

Lucee 6.2 now supports both Jakarta and Javax namespaces.

What does that mean, I’m a cfml dev???. Basically Tomcat 9 uses javax, while Tomcat 10.1 uses Jakarta, same goes for undertow etc etc.

Java 21

Java 21 is our new base line, Java 11 still works, but Java 8 is no longer an option. Java 21 is so much faster and tends to use much less memory, try it out.

You can still just update in place as usual via the admin, as long as you are running Java 11 or later.

Lucee Testlab

Part of reason we took so longer to get 6.2 out was we did a lot of performance benchmarking and we found range of regressions, some due to us, some due to Java changes.

We can happily say that 6.2 easily beats (or equals) all previous versions of Lucee and scales better on machines with more cores

You can see more benchmarks on Github Actions

Please support the ongoing development of Lucee


One of my favourite little features is the ability to force all the logs to the console via an ENV var

Allow overriding log defaults, i.e. force logs to console, great for docker

i.e. the following configuration will log all lucee logs out to the console, which is great for docker

set lucee_logging_force_level=trace
set lucee_logging_force_appender=console


@Zackster there is no way I can click a million of likes of your first post back again! Goodness!!! Really nice seeing you back again around!


Agreed! Welcome back @Zackster


Already updated and running smoothly since Thursday
Tank you @Zackster
Happy to find a message from you


In the breaking changes part, what does this mean/relate to:
Lucee is up to 50% for some operations than Lucee 5.4

Should it read “Lucee is up to 50% slower/faster/more fun for some operations (which?) compared to Lucee 5.4” ?

just curious if that is anything good or bad and what it might be…

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Don’t worry, as per the screenshot, it’s all good, 6.2 is a lot faster!

I fixed the typo in the breaking changes, good catch

As linked towards the end of the original post, you can see the performance improvements across a range of areas in these micro benchmarks


We have been working on the regressions

  • dates are fixed
  • .clone() is fixed, but you should be using the official cfml .duplicate() method

Try the latest 6.2.1 SNAPSHOT

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