We’ve been evaluating Lucee 6 as an option for our production servers (currently on the latest version of Lucee 5) so we have a test server up for Lucee 6 but we’ve returned from the weekend to find out new Lucee 6 admin down with the error:
Lucee Error (missinginclude)
Page [/lucee/admin/index.cfm] [/opt/lucee/tomcat/lucee-server/context/context/admin/index.cfm] not found
Sites are down with the yellow error screen:
Lucee Error (database)
Message Datasource [AffinoTiger8] doesn’t exist
It’s not the first time this has happened so I’m reaching out before I rebuild the server, I’m guessing the configuration has corrupted somehow but I have no idea what could cause this on a quiet development test server. Lucee 6 is running on single mode and is sharing the webfolder with a Lucee 5 dev instance but yeah can’t imagine that would cause any issues?
Any help appreciated! We’d love to get Lucee 6 in production
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Java Version: jdk-11.0.22
Tomcat Version: Apache Tomcat/9.0.86
Lucee Version: