Lucee / cfpdfparam - cannot load class through its string name

Just upgraded from Lucee 4.5 to 5.0. Thx for the great product!

I have an exception using cfpdfparam. I want to loop over an array which
contains PDF binaries, generated with cfdocument and merge the single
documents to one document.

<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(loc.myArray)#" index="loc.Position">

    <cfpdfparam source="#loc.BelegStapel[loc.Position]#">


The code doesn’t even start. The exception thrown is:

“cannot load class through its string name, because no definition for the
class with the specified name
[lucee.transformer.cfml.evaluator.impl.PDFParam] could be found”

Does anyone have similar problems?


We’re on Lucee and we’re experiencing similar issues, but with ANY JAR-file we try to load via CreateObject:

cannot load class through its string name, 
  because no definition for the class with the specified name [JAR-functionname] 
  could be found caused by 
  (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:JAR-functionname not found by lucee.core [64];

What to do?

I’ve tried this:

Done this:

And this:

(place JAR’s in /webappname/WEB-INF/lucee/lib/)

Utilized this: Mark Mandel’s JavaLoader (works nicely in CF9+, but NOT in Lucee at all)

In all cases we get the above error-message. It seems like this issue [LDEV-604] - Lucee is still not resolved…

Moved to:

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