
Hi all! I’m trying to work with Aspose.Words and am running into a NoClassDefFoundError and I’m not sure why. The .jar file contains the class and Lucee shows the .jar file loaded when I look under Info > Bundle(Jar) in Lucee admin.

I’m able to load the class initially using: asposeDocument = createObject(“java”, “com.aspose.words.Document”, “com.aspose.words”, “21.7.0”); I can do a dump on asposeDocument and see all the methods, etc.

However, when I try to execute the init() method of the asposeDocument class, I receive: Could not initialize class com.aspose.words.zzWh2

I’ve ran into similar issues before and am a little unsure if it’s something on the Lucee side of things, or the the way the vendor packages the .jar files, etc.

It’s my understanding that I’m receiving this error because the class isn’t available. What causes this when it’s clearly in the .jar file? (I unzipped the jar file and found it) What are the workarounds?

Thanks all!

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