Issue with CFHTTP formfield TYPE

I have some code that uses CFHTTP to score an IP number on to see if it is a VPN.

The code works fine on ACF 2016, but when I try to run it on Lucee it throws an error.

The working version on ACF is using METHOD=“GET”, if I try to use POST Is get a 400 BAD REQUEST

On Lucee, if I also try it with GET, I get an error
“ERROR”,“ajp-nio-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1-8009-exec-10”,“03/05/2024”,“16:12:04”,“”,"httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post;lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException: httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post

I need to pass the values, so presume formfield is still the only option, and I can’t change it to POST as I get the 400 Bad request error.

I have attached some test code (Just add your email address in the VALUE for the CONTACT). It should return a value.

Does anybody have any ideas?
vpntest.cfm (324 Bytes)



  • Windows Server 2022
  • IIS 10
  • Java 11.0.21
  • Tomcat Version 9.0
  • Lucee
  • MS SQL 2022

I don’t know what ACF does, but looks like the API you are using at accepts purely GET requests. Thus, POST and formfileds won’t work. I’,d try adding those parameters not as formfields, but purely as a querystring.

Thanks @andreas why didn’t I think of that! :slight_smile: It worked.

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