Is there a function to create a QRcode

I want to create a QRcode (with texte or URL) and display it onthe page,
Is there a function to do that ?
Thanks for answers.

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Linux debian 10
apache 2.4
Ucanaccess 5 (driver Lucee-Access mdb through JDBC)

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You can try the one I created

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Hi @webonix

Do you know if your code can work in a cfdocument, to output a QR Code inside a PDF?

I’m able to output a QR code if the qr code image file is on disk, but for some reason I’m not able to use the base64 string in the img tag in a cfdocument : <img src="data:image/png;base64,#base64String#" height="600px">

Do you know if cfdocument is supposed to support this?

Thank you!

@TonyMonast. This seems to work fine on my local Lucee install:

zxing = new;
imageContentAsBase64 = zxing.createQRBinary(
  content         = "",
  size            = 600,
  margin          = 1,
  fgColorHex      = "25292e",
  bgColorHex      = "ffffff",
  errorCorrection = "H"
html = '
	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
		<img src="data:image/png;base64, #imageContentAsBase64#">
cfdocument( format="PDF", name="pdfBinary" ){
	WriteOutput( Trim( html ) )
cfheader( name="Content-Disposition", value="attachment; filename=#Chr( 34 )#test.pdf#Chr( 34 )#" );
cfcontent( type="application/pdf", variable=pdfBinary );

Thank you for your answer. This allowed me to better direct my research into why it wasn’t working. Basically I don’t use quite the same library for generating the QR code and my code generates a BufferedImage instead of putting it on the disk, and I had misunderstood the nuance to recover the base64 from that. The base64 I was using for the img tag was incorrect and that’s why it wasn’t working.

Now I will do some tests to make sure that both methods are reliable in a cfdocument to refer to a qr code with the img tag : The method on disk with <img src="file:///path/to/my/qrcode.png"> or the method with the base64 <img src="data:image/png;base64,#imageContentAsBase64#">



I used it for a project of mine.
Works perfect. Many thanks :grinning:

I’ve got a little curiosity.
Why do you work with “localmode= true”?

I know what that means… I would understand why you prefer “localmode= true” to using “var” or “local” scope.

Thanks again!

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