Are we the only people still using Taffy ? What have people moved to instead if so ?
The last release was over two years ago, and I raised the Lucee 6 compatibility issue ( Lucee 6 - queryToStruct is now a reserved word as it's a built in function, with different arguments · Issue #437 · atuttle/Taffy · GitHub ) in Feb and have heard nothing.
The Slack linked from the repo. is dead, and the mailing list hasn’t been posted too in years either.
There was also some discussion around a patch to remove it’s added X-… headers and associated flushes ( Configuration toggle to suppress Taffy headers · Issue #402 · atuttle/Taffy · GitHub ) that seems to have fizzled out.
I don’t know if @Adam_Tuttle is still active here or anywhere else ?
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Yeah I’m on here.
Taffy’s not dead, just really stable. My company still uses it in the critical path of our apps that process millions of dollars of cc payments every year
I’m happy to consider pull requests, and want to be more responsive on issues, but have limited time and attention. I should turn on email notifications for the Taffy repo, because I never seem to notice issues/etc quickly.
I’ll take a look at your issue later this morning and see if we can figure out the best path forward.
Great news; thanks.
I hadn’t realized that you’d not been getting notifications from GitHub
The we’ve been running the “suppress headers” branch in prod for months with no issues apart from more robust deployments and less leaky headers to explain to auditors.