Is it possible to integrate (Ehcache 3.8.* + Terracotta) into Lucee for clustering? If so, please let me know how

As you know, Lucee comes with an Ehcache 2.10.* extension, out-of-the-box. This offers clustered-cache possibilities ( Clustering · Lucee ).

However, I wish to test on Lucee the more scalable, more extensive clustered-cache possibilities offered by the combination (Ehcache 3.8.* + Terracotta). For example, by using ehcache-clustered-3.8.1-kit (See Releases · ehcache/ehcache3 · GitHub ).

My question is: is this possible? If so, could you please give me suggestions on how to do it.

You can read on that Github page that Ehcache 3.8.0 added “Support for co-existence with Ehcache 2.x in the same class loader.” So, this can, if necessary, run alongside Lucee’s current Ehcache extension.

Lucee version: Express
Java version: 11.0.11