Installation of Lucee on Raspberrypi ubuntu server

For posterity and others: Turned out that I know @Bidu from the cfml brazil user group. I’ve written a step by step guide for installing/running Lucee with CommandBox on Ununtu 20.04LTS (this was a long time wish in my personal to-do list) and then assisted him to try get his rasberryPI running. We’ve been able to successfully install Lucee using CommandBox on that little box. I’ve now added the step by step procedure to the docs that can be found here:

Have a very nice week!

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The problem here is not the ELF support - RPi’s rasbpian or raspberrypi OS support ELF without an issue.

The Lucee Installer you use is for Linux x64 and all RPi are based on the ARM processor architecture. There is no ARM Installer of Lucee yet: [LDEV-4464] - Lucee

You would need to go the “JAR/WAR way” of installing Lucee on a RPi.