i’ve looked around. i changed umask to 0022. so apologies if this feels repetitive.
according to my git logs i successfully pushed code July 30 2024 which allowed me to create directories and upload images, huzzah!
i don’t recall which 5.x version i had, nor do i recall when i updated to 6.x (doh) but I noticed this issue just a few days ago. I have since been trying to downgrade a bit and upgraded to based on another post
i have two uploaders. a legacy Uploadifive that works fine
another i’ve rolled my own to replace Uploadifive
so I know it’s not the image itself.
i’m using NextJS, which posts to /api which forwards the request using Fetch to a remote Lucee server. the image is sent in the body. A file is saved, but when I go to view it directly I see “the image … cannot be displayed because it contains errors”
when i download the file (via FTP) it still does not open. i’ve cross checked various folder and file permissions against others that do work, so I’m ruling out a file permissions issue.
i’m a bit stumped and wondering if something changed on the lucee end, or maybe something on my end that i’m missing. looking for any suggestions
i’m considering rolling Lucee back as far as possible just to see.
LMK if you need more:
here’s some of the payload caught by the local api server before forwarding to lucee
(i know the ‘name’ says “files” but really it’s one file being submitted)
formData _FormData [FormData] {
[Symbol(state)]: [
name: 'files',
value: '"-----------------------------30263794752379993019815801375\\r\\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\\"files\\"; filename=\\"01_nation.png\\"\\r\\nContent-Type: image/png\\r\\n\\r\\n�PNG\\r\\n\\u001a\\n\\u0000\\u0000\\u0000\\rIHDR\\u0000\\u0000\\u0001\\u0018\\u0000\\u0000\\u0000s\\b\\u0006\\u0000\\u0000\\u0000C�\\u001d�\\u0000\\u0000\\u0000\\tpHYs\\u0000\\u0000\\u000b\\u0012\\u0000\\u0000\\u000b\\u0012\\u0001��~�\\u0000\\u0000\\u000ezIDATx��=���\\u001a�\\u001f]�E9��\\u000f@ڕH�N\\u000fRZ�\\u0001
here’s a dump of the response
"catchDetail": { // catchDetail typically used for providing the error stack, or debugging like now
"requestData": {
"content": "LS0tL ... jg3LS0=",
"headers": {
"user-agent": "node",
"content-length": "7094",
"x-real-ip": "<redacted>",
"x-webserver-context": "<redacted>",
"x-tomcat-docroot": "<redacted>",
"https": "on",
"x-forwarded-proto": "https",
"cookie": "<redacted>;<redacted>;<redacted>",
"accept-language": "*",
"x-forwarded-for": "<redacted>",
"host": "<redacted>",
"sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
"accept": "*/*",
"content-type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------375777783422610373861269022283",
"cache-control": "max-age=0",
"accept-encoding": "br, gzip, deflate",
"connection": "close",
"x-modcfml-sharedkey": "<redacted>"
"protocol": "HTTP/1.0",
"method": "POST"
"form": {
"adminAction": "uploadMedia",
"action": "admin",
"uploadTo": "/Phone",
"hostingCustomerId": "0"
"result": {
"filewasrenamed": false,
"attemptedserverfile": "01_nation.png",
"serverfilename": "01_nation",
"timelastmodified": "September, 24 2024 04:14:53 +0000",
"fileexisted": false,
"oldfilesize": 6747,
"serverfileext": "png",
"clientfilename": "01_nation",
"filewasappended": false,
"timecreated": "September, 24 2024 04:14:53 +0000",
"filesize": 6747,
"filewassaved": true,
"clientfileext": "png",
"contenttype": "image",
"datelastaccessed": "September, 24 2024 04:14:53 +0000",
"clientfile": "01_nation.png",
"clientdirectory": "",
"contentsubtype": "png",
"filewasoverwritten": false,
"serverdirectory": "<redacted>",
"serverfile": "01_nation.png"
Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!
OS: Ubuntu 18
Java Version: none?
Tomcat Version: idk
Lucee Version: