Image extension not reading PNG correct


cfset filePath = expandPath(“images/test.png”)>

cfdump var=“#imageRead(filePath)#” abort>

When doing the above i get a pink/purple colored PNG image instead of the test.png how it is… What could be the problem because i’m scratching my head for a day already… always used ImageMagick but want to use the image extension because i would like to use webp as output. ImageMagick is not really doing what i want with the ubuntu/docker i have.

Do i need to do something with the png before?? Other files work fine like webp, jpg, gif etc.

Don’t forget to tell us about your stack!

OS: Ubuntu
JAVA: 1.8.0_172 (Oracle Corporation) 64bit
Lucee Version: Lucee

Pardon, but what you are doing with the code above is just reading out the file path location and dumping it… You should only see the physical file location on your machine as a string. No way you should see any image with that code

The imageRead(filePath) reads the image and dumps the metadata info including the actual image.