I do not know how to set mail with Lucee

I do not know why I can not send mail.
The cause seems to be Lucee’s settings or server security.
Please help me.

The settings of Lucce are as follows.

this.mailservers =[ {
	  host: 'smtp.gmail.com'
	, port: 587
	, username: '***.***@gmail.com'
	, password: '****'
	, ssl: false
	, tls: true
	, lifeTimespan: createTimeSpan(0,0,1,0)
	, idleTimespan: createTimeSpan(0,0,1,0)

I tried the test. The results are displayed as follows and seem to be fine.
However, the email does not actually arrive.

Test mail has been sent successfully using [ smtp.gmail.com ].

Of course, even the CFML sender program I wrote can not send mail.

I guess you need SSL.

thank you.

I tried it but it is not.

I guess Google restricts acces to SMTP Server from overseas as my Google account is Japan.

However, although I have permitted and released the device-specific access restrictions.

Please make sure that you have enabled third-party access to your mail, so that we can use it in cfmail tag.

But this is not secure for your account. Already warn by Gmail.
Another & recommended way is to use the third parties service from here https://www.smtp2go.com/pricing/ to send the email with the help of cfmail tag. This simple suggestion from my side.

thanks so much.
As you say. It looks like it’s possible, but for experimental use, it’s enough to just know how it has security problems.
