Https:// is showing exception, detailed CFML code

Lucee Error (expression)
Message 	key [releases] doesn't exist
Stacktrace 	The Error Occurred in
/var/www/sites/updateprovider/stable/download/index.cfm: line 389

    387: </select>
    388: </div>
    389: <cfset dw=versions[rows[_type]]>
    390: <!--- desc --->
    391: <div class="desc descDiv row_even">

I really hope that the version number there is a lie…

I really hope that the version number there is a lie…

Hahaha, not exactly eating their own dogfood there. Oops :wink:

Also: no global error handler to prevent raw error information leaking into the wild? Probs wanna have a look at that as well, eh?

hahaha, fair cop, but we are now munching on our own dogfood

yeah, it’s now finally running, been doing a lot of surgery and a lot of swearing in the last 24 hours

fixed a lot of issues, added n additional caching layer and some more locking (previous config tended to DDOS itself)

Lucee has lots of users, but not so many developers, so I end up doing everything