How to monitor Cached Queries in Lucee?

How can i Monitor the Cached Queries in Lucee? I use queries like below:

<cfquery name="testQ" datasource="test" maxrows="3" cachedWithin="#createTimeSpan(0,2,0,0)#">
        SELECT		id,name 
        FROM		table1

What do you mean by “monitor”?

Since Lucee version 6 you have Query Listeners that help you understand how many times a query is executed and other stuffes.

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Thanks a lot for reply.
By adobe coldfusion administrator panel:

  1. you can easily find out the executed queries and sort them by times or execute time.
  2. After that, you can cache the ones you prefer to.
  3. Then you can monitor the cached queries and tune up-to a good situation.

Im looking for something like that in lucee or any 3rd party extensions.

As far as I know, there is nothing out there that can do what you ask for.

I never used it, but check this:

Alternatively, I think you can create something quite easily with Query Listeners.

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