How can i Monitor the Cached Queries in Lucee? I use queries like below:
<cfquery name="testQ" datasource="test" maxrows="3" cachedWithin="#createTimeSpan(0,2,0,0)#">
SELECT id,name
FROM table1
How can i Monitor the Cached Queries in Lucee? I use queries like below:
<cfquery name="testQ" datasource="test" maxrows="3" cachedWithin="#createTimeSpan(0,2,0,0)#">
SELECT id,name
FROM table1
What do you mean by “monitor”?
Since Lucee version 6 you have Query Listeners that help you understand how many times a query is executed and other stuffes.
Thanks a lot for reply.
By adobe coldfusion administrator panel:
Im looking for something like that in lucee or any 3rd party extensions.
As far as I know, there is nothing out there that can do what you ask for.
I never used it, but check this:
Alternatively, I think you can create something quite easily with Query Listeners.