Didnt’ know where else to post this but felt I should share it as its pretty useful and GPT made it work for me. In case you need to get the OG (open graph) tag values from any given URL - I need it to build dynamic content for a newsletter for instance. Hope someone finds it useful.
<!--- The url to test --->
<cfset theurl="http://somewhere.com">
<cfhttp url="#theurl#" result="presult">
<cfset htmlString = '#presult.filecontent#'>
<!--- Initialize a structure to hold the property-content pairs --->
<cfset ogProperties = structNew()>
<!--- Use a regular expression to find all meta tags --->
<cfset metaTags = reMatchNoCase('<meta [^>]*>', htmlString)>
<!--- Loop through each tag to check for og: properties and extract content value --->
<cfloop array="#metaTags#" index="tag">
<!--- Check if the property attribute contains 'og:' --->
<cfif reFindNoCase('property="og:', tag)>
<!--- Extract the property name, ensuring the pattern does not include the closing quote --->
<cfset propertyName = reReplaceNoCase(tag, '.*?property="([^"]*)".*', '\1')>
<!--- Extract the content value from the tag, ensuring the pattern does not include the closing quote --->
<cfset contentValue = reReplaceNoCase(tag, '.*?content="([^"]*)".*', '\1')>
<!--- Assign the content value to the property name in the structure --->
<cfset ogProperties[propertyName] = contentValue>
<!--- Display the extracted og properties and their content values --->
<!--- <cfdump var="#ogProperties#"> --->
<h3 style="background:gray;font-family:Arial;">Open Graph Tags from: #theurl#</h3>
<font style="font-family:Arial;">
<cfloop collection="#ogProperties#" item="key">
<b>#key# - </b> #ogProperties[key]# <hr>